Everlasting Father

Isaiah 9:6

For to us, a child is born,
    to us, a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I have been asked several times to contribute to this name. As an adoptee, the role of a Father can bring a variety of emotions. My thoughts and ways I relate to Jesus as an Everlasting Father has grown over the years; however, I continue to find a deepening peace in the truth of the name. My current short reflections and contribution for Advent on an Everlasting Father as a place of safety are below.

Father is a title layered with complexity. Some of us have great fathers who love us and keep us safe. Others have had different experiences. Despite this reality, Isaiah describes the promised Messiah, Jesus, as an “Everlasting Father.”

I have spent many years working with kids from hard places (i.e., trauma, grief, etc.) and their families who are desperate to provide loving homes for them. Through this, I have come to understand that for a child to feel loved, they must feel safe. This is especially true for children whose safety, whether physical, emotional, or both, was stripped from them. Their parents have come to understand that you can tell a child you love them over and over, but if that child does not feel safe, these words are meaningless.

We see throughout scripture that Jesus was a protector, creating safe spaces for marginalized peoples, those from hard places. In Jesus, we experience an Everlasting Father who takes our place of suffering, stepping into danger to provide eternal safety. While we experience the real brokenness of a world waiting for His return, Jesus promises to be with us always. Our Everlasting Father is familiar with pain, suffering, and loss. And yet He is reconciling all things and will one day make all things new. Jesus not only tells us that He loves us, but He also laid down His life to demonstrate His love. 

Whatever your experience of a father during this Advent season, I hope you can find comfort in our Everlasting Father, who will always care for our safety and will always be present with us.